
By The Most:

Sep 13,2024

Frequently Asked Questions About PDO Thread Lifts

Many people worry about cosmetic treatments, whether they are PDO thread lifts or any other. They are right because it is about facial appearance, which no one wants to take risks for. So, we gathered many queries from people who were either about to have this treatment or had already had it. Although every medical expert chooses a certified PDO thread manufacturer for maximum safety, awareness is still better. What you can do is get the maximum information about this medical aesthetic treatment. Then you will be satisfied with the final decision. 

What is PDO Thread Lift?

It is a minimally invasive treatment to disappear aging lines on the face. People who have saggy facial skin can get this treatment. PDO thread lift reduces laxity in the skin and stimulates the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, etc. Unlike other types of medical aesthetic processes, this one is less invasive. Also, it doesn't include any liquid chemicals.  

Is PDO Thread Lift a Safe Procedure?

Yes, it is a safe procedure. A certified professional evaluates your skin before performing this procedure. This minimally invasive treatment safely dissolves the PDO biodegradable threads in the skin. The polydioxanone cannulas they insert in the dermal layer are sterile and biodegradable. 

Which Areas of The Face Are Treatable?

Patients can have the PDO thread lift process on their entire face. The areas include the neck, jawline, marionette lines, forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, jowls, and nasolabial folds. It also works against smoker's lines, frown lines, crow's feet, infraorbital wrinkles, and worry lines.

Does this Procedure Hurt?

Local anesthesia numbs the treatable area before the procedure starts. There is no pain in this procedure. However, one may feel a little discomfort during and after the procedure. Patients do not feel pain in the process because the local anesthesia prevents every chance of pain occurrence.

How Long Does the PDO Thread Lift Process Take?

This entire treatment takes from twenty-five minutes to one hour. It all depends on the area of the face and the patient's facial condition. If any complexity occurs, the process might become longer. However, it usually takes less than one hour.

What Do Patients Need to Do Before the Treatment?

If someone is about to have PDO thread treatment, they must avoid a few things. These things are smoking, alcohol, and blood thinners like aspirin and painkillers. Also, vitamin E supplements and foods will have to be avoided. All these things can cause problems for you because the bleeding will increase during the treatment if you don't avoid any of them.

How is the PDO Thread Procedure Performed?

Local anesthesia is used to numb the skin so the patient feels no pain. Then, PDO cannulas are inserted into the subdermal layers of the skin. The biodegradable sutures are attached to the dermal layer. Then, the PDO threads are adjusted as per the requirements. After waiting for a few minutes, the cannulas are removed for the bandage process. 

When Do the Results Start Appearing?

Some results appear right after the treatment, and some appear slowly within a month. It is a slow process where patients slowly experience results in a few weeks. You will experience the best results approximately after three or four weeks. 

What Is Post-Treatment Care for PDO Thread Lift?

Avoid aspirin or any blood thinner for at least 24 or 48 hours after the treatment. Otherwise, the bleeding will not stop in the treated area on your face. Sleep on your back to avoid any pressure on your face. Do not apply any harsh creams or makeup. Also, avoid having any direct sunlight or strenuous activity. Your medical professional will guide you further.

How Long Will the Results Last?

The results will last twelve to fifteen months. In rare cases, that could reach two or three years. It depends on the quality and quantity of PDO threads inserted into your skin and on the type of skin you have. Every person's body reacts differently to external elements that are inserted inside the body.

Are there any Side Effects or Risk Involved?

Yes, you may experience a few side effects because of certain reasons. Your medical aesthetician can describe better, and you may feel pain, swelling, and bleeding. Also, there can be infection or PDO thread migration into other areas of the face. 

Can I Return to Work Right After a Day of Treatment?

Your medical practitioner will advise better. However, it is better to rest for a few days or at least 48 hours. UV rays, heat, and excessive facial expressions can cause discomfort on the face. If you go immediately, that might lead to excessive pressure on your face. Then, you might feel severe pain and swelling along with bleeding. So, it is better to take some rest for the best results. 

Is It Safe to Combine PDO Thread Lift with Other Treatments?

Well, the answer is yes. You can have multiple cosmetic treatments, such as facial fillers, and get the desired results by combining different treatments. However, it is better to ask a certified professional before that.

Can I Get a PDO Lift If I Have Acne or Skin Allergy?

Avoid it if you have acne, skin allergies, or any infection on the face. It will be worse for you because it is a minimally invasive process, and it will certainly cause problems for the targeted area. You should also consult a medical professional for that. Some people have eczema or psoriasis and must consult a dermatologist before this treatment.

How Much Does a PDO Thread Lift Cost?

It depends on the experience and qualifications of a medical aesthetician. Also, the brand of PDO threads they use can affect the cost of treatment. The whole treatment cost depends on various factors, and you must ask the professional who will perform it.


We tried to answer these queries to help people around the world. Hopefully, they will be helpful for anyone about to get a medical cosmetic procedure.

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PDO Threads: Everything You Wanted to Know

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