What is it?
It is an innovative drug type A developed by the South Korean company .
100U Type A Complex, is South Korean (KFDA) innovative product for smoothing mimic wrinkles on the face. It has a liquid form and an improved formula. It is popular in many countries thanks to the ease of use and a long lasting result.
This drug has gained great popularity in clinics in South Korea and Japan due to several advantages:
1) Structure of the drug:It is available in a new liquid phase, so it does not require dilution. One bottle contains a ready-made product solution for 50 units.
2) Composition: the improved formula of the preparation does not contain: proteins, albumin, gelatin, compared with other similar drugs.
3) Temperature conditions: insensitive to temperature extremes, in contrast to solid-phase preparations. However, it is recommended that you keep it in the refrigerator until use. The opened bottle can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees 72 hours.
4) Diffusion: has the least diffusion among all toxins currently known.
5) Effect: during the course of procedures, the effect lasts up to 8 months, in contrast to other botulinum toxins, in which the effect lasts up to 4 months.
The active components are: type A, L-methionine, polysorbate 20, buffered saline phosphate pH 7.0.