What is Red Ampoule Solution ?
.It is the worlds first addition of highly concentrated vitamin B12 and other active ingredients for rapid fat decomposition,
promote rapid fat decomposition, and quickly exclude it from the body. Different from the traditional fat-dissolving needle, it
improves the shortcomings of the traditional fat-dissolving needle, such as easy pain, redness and swelling, and slow effect. It
has been certified for its high safety, quick effect and little side effects.
The ingredient includes :
1.Vitamin B12: in the form of coenzyme, can increase the utilization of folic acid and promote the metabolism of carbohydrates,
fats and proteins
2.Metabolizes fatty acids, making fat, carbohydrates and proteins suitable for use by the body
3.Bromelain: It can catalyze the cleavage of peptide bonds in protein molecules, decompose proteins, peptides, lipids and amides,
and has anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects.
4.Lecithin: Decomposes large excess particles of fat, replenishes acetylcholine, and replenishes energy